Welcome to Fudan University Academic Information Resources Integration System!

Fudan University Academic Information Resources System covers various academic information resources, providing users with navigation, retrieval, full-text link services and personalized service so as to build a knowledge-based academic information resources integration system.


MetaLib provides users with a coherent and friendly environment for meta-searching - simultaneously searching heterogeneous remote resources from a single search interface. Users view the retrieved results in a manageable, unified format, enabling them to see the results in a merged, de-duplicated list.


Users can browse e-journals in alphabetical order or search by inputting the title or ISSN in the search box to obtain the link to the relative full text article.


With MySpace, users can enjoy personalized service, such as My e-Bookshelf, My Database, My Journals, save the retrieval history, and regularly receive the latest search results. Users can also set up page style according to their personal preferences.

Everyone can retrieve the information without login. Off-campus users can only visit Online Catalog and free resources.

Campus users can access all resources, and they should login the system in order to save the search results or use the personalized service.


Last Updated£º 2012-10-12